It is difficult to orient oneself in the photo - but I was photographing my own armpit - not as easy a task as it may sound! The raw patch is at the bottom of my pit. It looks even worse now than when I took the pic. And YES, it hurts. I have some other delicious looking spots on my fake boob but thought that this picture was graphic enough already....
So - the good news is that radiation officially finished on Thursday. The bad news is that I have a couple more weeks of suffering as the radiation 'keeps working' (the way we are choosing to look at it rather than 'keeps causing me pain'). I have Flamazine cream for the open raw bits (like the giant blister that formed on the breast part after I stupidly wore my silicone synthetic insert without realizing it would not be good for the delicate skin). Plus that gross raw open bit in my armpit. I also have hydrocortisone cream for the itchy parts, and then I have a thick 'basic' cream for straight moisturizing. This is a very messy venture.
PLUS, they told me that I should be keeping this stuff open to air as much as possible so I've been semi-streaking a lot around the house. Since Cam renovated, the blinds are not up in my kitchen so I have to keep some sort of covering on or else risk alienating the neighbours. So I drape a light scarf-like fabric around my neck to hang in front of the scary bits but leaves the armpit open to the air.
Armpits are 'chafy' places. This isn't the most fun I've ever had in my life. And my skin was doing REALLY well right up until that blister arrived, then the armpit went haywire so I guess it all caught up with me - as they predicted.
I will be much happier in a coupleo of weeks when this horrible raw openness disappears.
To take my mind off the pain, I am going up to Tulameen to meet Suzanne at her cabin there. The gals 'bacheloretting' it for a few days.... plus I'm going to take Cooper with me since he loves his mom the best of all.
Today I went to Costco to pick up one of my numerous prescriptions & it is nearby to my friend's flower shop. I stopped in to see her and lo & behold she was in the middle of doing a giant Indian wedding. They delivered all these flowers there yesterday to be used for some thing or other, and now they were all picked up again to be picked over and redistributed into brand NEW arrangements (using some of the old flowers). Her shop was overrun with masses of colourful arrangements. She insisted I take one of them home & 'repurpose' it. So I did - and it was so big that I now have about 4 or 5 vases of beautiful flowers distributed throughout my house. And I'm not even here for the weekend! I hope Cam enjoys them.....
Lots of lilies (which never were my favourite due to the strong smell - but they are growing on me...ha ha)
Now that radiation is finished, I have to start taking Tamoxifen - which is an oral drug I'll be on for FIVE years..... can't wait to learn the side effects of that one.... (sarcasm)
Later Hosen!