Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Chemo Date

So I met with my oncologist today who informed me that my heart scan has showed my heart's ability to constrict to be on the 'low side of normal' and because of that, he wants another test to confirm if the reading was accurate.

Consequently, instead of chemo tomorrow, I am having another heart scan - and then a heart ultrasound on Monday. My new chemo date is November 3.

He assured me several times that this is nothing for me to lose sleep over and I am not to be alarmed. Even though it's low, the heart function is still normal. He is just being extra cautious because delaying chemo for a week or so will make no difference whatsoever to my overall treatment, but just wants to be sure he knows what he's working with as far as my heart goes.

Apparently, chemo drugs can dimish heart function so they need to know exactly where they are starting so they can monitor whether the heart is being overly taxed by the chemo.

So - another couple of weekends of non-chemo freedom. Of course, just getting this started and therefore overwith is even more appealing - but I guess I don't want to risk my heart for the sake of a week or so....



  1. Hurry up and wait ... waiting is a pain in the rear.
    I'm planning on getting both flu shots so I'll be protected for when I come to visit. Loading up on vitamin C, etc. ....

    Stay strong my friend!
    I miss you - wish I could be there for you.

  2. Shana, all good things come to those that wait (or have to wait) - or so I'm told. Thinking of you often. Max.


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