Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas! Year in Review

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day and enjoying your Christmases!

This has been an interesting year, to say the least. I did some heavy thinking & revised some points of view - and that was early on before I knew anything about breast cancer!

Then we realized our beloved Jake had cancer and it was causing him pain, therefore we felt it best to put him down and now "Toothless Joe" probably has all his teeth again and no painful leg and is running around in dog heaven with his sister Madison and brother George.

Then Cooper arrived in March - the sweetest most docile little creature....for a few weeks. Then all hell broke loose and my canine garbage eater began his reign of terror eating everything he could put his paws on. Even his eye infection medication in a prescription bottle did not go unscathed. After a thorough and frantic search of the entire house, it finally dawned on me to check the backyard, and sure enough, I found the shattered prescription bottle and chewed up ointment tube out there. Not sure EXACTLY what it was that made him really sick enough to keep him at the vet for 3 days on intravenous and rack up a $1500 vet bill in June though.

Then I found the breast lump in June and all that has been thoroughly documented so I won't go into it.

Cam's job came to an end at the end of October, which has been fantastic for getting the house renovated. The place looks gorgeous and I'm very proud of him. The renos have come to a slow-down of late mainly due to the fact that he has been asked BACK to his old job for a 6-month contract so his retirement came to an end on Dec 21. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas all rolled into one. If it doesn't turn into a permanent job again, at least it will give the economy 6 more months to improve for job hunting in the summer.

And that probably brings us up-to-date. Generally, it sounds like a pretty crappy year, but I don't really see it that way. I consider myself well on my way to recovery, and Cooper has calmed down to a level that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, Cam is back to work - and the only bummer is that Jake is no longer around physically, but we think of him often.

So have a great day, and enjoy your New Year celebrations!

1 comment:

  1. I consider myself well on my way to recovery ...

    Woohoo! Now this is the best Christmas present you could give me and your friends. That makes my season and more! You are one fighter and you are getting there. Hang in there tough and its going to get all smooth sailing through the journey of life.

    Looking forward to checking you out at the office.




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