Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chemo # 7, done

Arrived at chemo at 8:25 Wed morning.... was supposed to be there at 8:15 - OOPS.... Since it was 'snaining' this morning, I guess everyone on Fraser Hwy decided it was a good idea to come to a complete halt. No one chastised me, everyone is really nice at the cancer centre.

Left the cancer centre at 2pm after spending the day listening to fire alarms and interhospital message beeps constantly. Once my pre-meds (ie, heavy dose of Benadryl) kick in, I pretty much zone out and sleep. Fire alarms make this a very difficult task. At least this time, I was able to keep from snoring (I think). OK, I'll revise...this time I didn't wake myself up with snoring...I may have been doing it more discreetly. I can live with the snoring but the drooling is more embarrassing.

I remember once in grade 12, I was in the library and fell asleep with my head on my hands on a table, and when I woke up there was a big pool of drool on the table. GROSS! lol

It is also clear that with the combination of other drugs I get and the fact that I sleep quite a lot on chemo day, that I get insomnia immediately after chemo. Hence, posting in the middle of the night.

These different drugs I'm on now definitely don't affect hair loss the same way as the previous ones did, as my hair is growing back now. Cam is fond of pointing out that I have a little extra pouf of hair growing on the back of my head - probably didn't shave it evenly last time, so now I have a mini tail in the middle at the back. So, hate to say it, but guess I'm going back to hairy testicle head again.... ALTHOUGH, it may not be so bad since the hair isn't sparse.... Or is that now just an Italian's hairy testicle head? (can I get in trouble for stereotyping here...?)

I think I said I wasn't going to say testicle anymore....but I don't remember for sure. Along with other things... like not paying my Mastercard bill which is the largest one we've ever had thanks to the renos. But I did some whining to them and they reversed the interest. And NO, surprisingly, I did not need to play my cancer card. I would have though, if needed. I have to take all the crap that comes with cancer, so I'm trying to milk all the good that comes of it too.

Which reminds me, I received a link regarding free housecleaning for cancer patients so I think I might look into that more now that the renos are reigned into a reasonable level. (meaning I actually HAVE a kitchen now. Yes, I will eventually post pictures, but there are some finishing touches to be done on it before I take pics. I LOVE MY NEW FLOOR! (linoleum that looks like slate tiles)

I've been sporting a bald head more and more frequently these days. Usually I've forgotten to put on a head covering (no surprise there) - but also, it WAS a lot warmer the last couple of weeks and so it wasn't appealing to grab a hat or wig. It depends on how incognito I feel like going.

So when you are a bald woman, you tend to attract attention, and when I have CHOSEN to go bald, I will often take some time to notice people's reactions to me, particularly kids. Nothing exciting or funny has happened - it's just a good opportunity to people-watch. When I have FORGOTTEN to put on a head covering, I am usually in a rush and don't pay attention to anyone's reactions, however, sometimes I am approached, as I was at Save-On the other day when the sample lady asked me if I'm going through treatment because she just finished hers for thyroid cancer (33 years old!). So we had a short gab & she wished me luck and asked me to pop back in for a visit to give an update.

I had heard from a few people that you can make some 'chemo friends' - or 'cancer friends', but I haven't really had that opportunity. The chemo schedule is interesting - I never see the same people twice. I once emailed about a support group back in the fall, and they told me the next one started in January - but no one ever contacted me about it then, so I didn't bother, and furthermore, I realized I don't really need a support group. I have all YOU guys, supporting me and loving me and sending wonderful wishes and thoughtful emails my way. I am very lucky to have such a large group of people who care about me. Thanks, everyone!

I receive emails of support very frequently and they are ALL appreciated - short and long, email is a great way for me to stay connected and to keep Cam off my back for being on the phone all the time.

But, I have run off on a tangent from the original point. Going bald is NOT incognito - but often, neither is wearing a long flowing red wig.... so when I want to go 'normal' I always wear the short brown with blonde streaks wig (mom's favourite, Cam's least favourite). That wig looks the most like my 'real hair' - so it bothers me that Cam doesn't like it... I mean WHAT is up with that? He must hate my real hair. Well, I shouldn't complain, I generally hate it most of the time too.... although, I will likely appreciate it a little more after this experience! He actually doesn't like it because he says it looks like a particular reality show star's hair and I'm not saying who it is so that any of you who don't think the same think now and it never crossed your mind won't say 'OH YAH - and then that's all you'll think of when you see me wearing that wig'.

It might be silly, and I'm sure Cam regrets saying anything at all about it, but when I used to automatically reach for that wig as my 'normal' wig, once I found out that he doesn't like it, I always hesitate before putting it on. I can throw it on when I'm going out in the day, but when he's around, I tend to grab a different wig - because who wants to put on something her husband dislikes? (unless you're fighting..... HA) - but then, I can always just throw his lunch into the backyard for the dog.... oh wait a minute - another tangent there....

As you can see, I am randomly typing in the middle of the night because I have nothing better to do, but unfortunately, any of you reading this MIGHT think there would be something worth reading and then get sucked into this long diatribe of nothingness when you actually have busy and working lives to attend to..... SUCKERS!!! ha ha ha

I ordered a new camera from Airmiles and it arrived today. I'm looking forward to learning all it's 'ins and outs'. It is a true point and shoot - I'll leave the complicated stuff up to Cam with his 70 pound camera and seven hundred lenses. (slight hyperbole there....)

Anyway, despite the 'snain' this morning (that's snow and rain for any who didn't pick that up), the rest of the time the sun has been mood-lifting - although I have not really taken good advantage of it.

I am trying to sneak away to Palm Springs (actually Desert Hot Springs) for a couple of weeks between chemo and radiation just for a 'mental rest'. It has been harder to organize than I thought due to various doctor's appointments and heart scans and boob fill-ups etc. They are really trying to thwart me and I REALLY NEED A HOLIDAY. That might sound weird to those of you still working - and don't get me wrong - I am enjoying having time off even if it was due to cancer - but time off kicking around the house, especially a house torn apart with renos and being tied to the hospital / doctor's office is NOT as much fun as you might hope for....

My inlaws are taking me - I'm really looking forward to it. My dad-in-law keeps asking me if I'll be able to handle all the old folks. I told him I'd fit right in with my knitting and talk of curling (and perhaps translate that to shuffleboard). I'm already an old woman mentally - I'm hoping I'll get there physically too, but anyway, I love playing cards and that's what old people do, right?? LOL more stereotyping. They will probably be wilder than me because they can let their hair down.... OR, can it be said that mine is already EXTREMELY let down??!!??

Anyway, I will sign off now - if any of YOU suffer insomnia, you can thank me for curing you later... For that matter, it's up to you other bloggers (you know who you are) to post some long dumb and boring post to help me fall asleep!!!

Love to all!

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