Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thyroid issues!

So here I was worried about a uterine biopsy and didn't think twice about the bloodwork ordered by the doc. Then I got a call yesterday from my GP telling me my TSH is way too high and I need to come in immediately to get a prescription for medication.

Then, the other doc phones & orders me in to see him as well. So my TSH is over triple the maximum amount - they really want to get it under control. It means that my thyroid is underactive.

So my GP order a re-test on the TSH just to make sure, and also an ultrasound of my thyroid - although he palpated it and said it feels normal so I'm not really worried about thyroid cancer, but I guess and ultrasound won't hurt just to make sure what's happening there.

The good news about this is that apparently thyroid issues can be a cause of the 'girl problems' I was having - so potentially, getting on the thyroid meds could solve that problem without any surgery of any kind.

The bad news is that you stay on thyroid meds for your whole life.

Gyno says that breast cancer and thyroid issues are not linked at all. However, GP thinks the radiation or chemo might have affected my thyroid. On the other hand, I've been having this lady issues for awhile - long before the breast cancer, so it could be that I've had a screwy thyroid for a long time.... hmmmmmm.

Apparently thyroid meds will give me more energy and will speed up my metabolism so I will lose weight more easily. I guess that's a bright side.

Of course, I didn't think I felt too tired until they told me that I would feel tired. So now I feel fatigued and I don't know if it's real or if the idea was planted by them..... Off for a nap!

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